You are here:Proposal Development > S2S > Forms

Form Attachments Overview

The Forms subsection reflects the forms included in the submission and which of them were mandatory and available.  It also allows you to print any of the included forms for your records.


Reference:  For complete information about each individual form, including completion instructions and mapping information, see “Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information”.

Form Mapping & Logic

Each form has mapping logic programmed into a schema so it can identify which KC data to pull into each form for print and ultimately, submission to

Individual Form Mapping Instructions


For mapping information and instructions for how to use and populate each form, see “Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information”, or use the links below to go directly to the desired form.

Attachments V1.1

Budget V1.1 (Budget Attachments)

CD-511 V1.1 (aka US Dept. of Commerce Certification Regarding Lobbying)

ED Abstract V1.1 (Dept. of Education)

ED Certification Debarment V1.1 (Dept. of Education)

ED GEPA 427 V1.1 (Dept. of Education General Education Provisions Act Notice)

ED SF424 Supplement V1.1

ED524 Budget V1.1 (Dept. of Education Non-Construction Programs)

FaithBased Survey on EEO V1.2 (ensuring equal opportunity for applicants)

GG Lobbying Form V1.1

NASA Other Project Information V1.0

NASA PI and AOR Supplemental Data Sheet V1.0

NASA Senior/Key Person Supplemental Data Sheet V1.0

NSF CoverPage V1.3

NSF DeviationAuthorization V1.1

NSF SuggestedReviewers V1.1

Other Attachments V1.1

PHS Cover Letter V1.2

PHS Fellowship Supplemental V1.2

PHS 398 Checklist V1.3

PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplement form V1.2

PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement V1.4

PHS 398 Modular Budget V1.1

PHS 398 Research Plan V1.3

PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan V1.0

PHS 398 Training Budget V1.0

PHS 398 Training Subaward Budget V1.0

Performance Site V1.4

Project V1.1

RR Budget V1.1 (5 yr) & (10 yr)

RR FedNonFed Budget V1.1 (5 yr) & (10 yr)

RR Key Person V1.1

RR Key Person Expanded V1.2

RR Other Project Information V1.3

RR Personal Data V1.2

RR SF 424 V1.2

RR SF 424-B V1.1 (aka Assurances for non-construction)

RR Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Forms – Detailed & Federal/Non-Federal forms

SF 424A V1.0 (Budget Information – Non-Construction Projects)

SF 424B V1.1 (aka Assurances – Non-Construction Programs)

SF 424 Short V1.0

SF 424 V2.0 (not R&R)

SFLLL V1.1 (aka Disclosure of Lobbying Activities)


Future growth of S2S in KC

New forms and updated form versions are constantly forthcoming from  KC support for these will be handled through patches for implementing institutions.

The Questions section of the page will continue to replace the Yes/No Questions (YNQ) Maintenance document means of technical support.  This means forms with conditional branching displayed in the Questions section that, based on the selected opportunity, utilize a series of maintenance e-docs to allow for answers.


Questionnaire functionality consists of Question, Question Type, Question Category, and Questionnaire maintenance documents.  For more information, see “Questionnaire” on page 866.

New For KC 3.1 – Questionnaire-driven forms:

      PHS 398 Training Budget V1.0

      PHS Fellowship Supplemental V1.2


      NSF CoverPage V1.3


New for KC 4.0: