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The Forms subsection lists the forms you need to submit for this opportunity.  The forms schema URL in the Opportunity subsection puts the required forms in KC for your submission.


Reference:  For complete information about each individual form, including completion instructions and mapping information, see “Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information”.

The Forms subsection shows whether each form is mandatory or optional for your submission to  You may choose whether to include optional forms in your submission.  You may also print forms from the Forms subsection.

Figure 169 Proposal Development Document > Page > Section > Forms Subsection Example


Table 68 Proposal Development Document > Page > Section > Forms Subsection Field Descriptions



Form Name

The government-assigned title of a form that may accompany the Grants.Gov opportunity. The official title of the form document, this is the title of the form assigned by the sponsor or by


Indicates if a given form is required to submit the proposal to Grants.Gov. Read-only display.

•         Yes indicates the form is mandatory.

•         No indicates the form is optional.

•         n/a means the form is not available.


Indicates if a given form will be included with the proposal submission package to Yes no or n/a for not applicable is displayed.  Read-only display or checkbox.


Indicates if a given form is available to be included with the proposal submission package. A description of the form’s availability, this shows whether the form is available from

Select to Print

Indicates which forms will be printed when the print action is performed. Select the checkbox to include all or clear to include none.  All Included - selects all available forms to be printed. None - Deselects all forms in the print column.  Click within the checkbox  to select the item.  A green check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

note.png  You can only print forms for validated proposals.

print selected button

Click to print the forms that are checked in the Select to Print column.  This generates a PDF that you can then save or print.



Form Attachments Overview

Questionnaire Functionality with Forms