You are here:Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

Other Attachments V1.1

The SF424 Family form Other Attachments V1-0 and 1-1 has the capacity to transmit up to one-hundred (100) individual files.


KC Narrative Type: Other Attachments Form (Proposal Narrative Type ID 19; allows multiples)


Instructions: Select and save a opportunity containing the Other Attachments V1-0 or 1-1 form in your federally-sponsored proposal.

Navigate to the KC Proposal Attachments panel of the Abstracts and Attachments tab

Select the Narrative Type: Other Attachments Form (ID: 19)

Browse/return attachment:

Ø Search and select to save your narrative document to this narrative type.

Enter a Description. This is required for this Multiple-type narrative.

Ø The entered title should be unique to this upload.

Save the narrative.

Ø Click the ‘add’ button


Adobe PDF form


KC Attachment upload process


KC print/preview via tab Forms panel