You are here:Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement V1.4



Form Location

KC Tab




Project Director / Principal Investigator (PD/PI)

Key Personnel


Principal Investigator (NIH: PI/Contact)

Person data (First name; Last name) of the selected Principal Investigator is published.


Clinical Trial



ID 28

Check "yes" or "no" to indicate whether the project is a clinical trial.


Agency-Defined Phase III Clinical Trial?


ID 17

Check "yes" or "no" to indicate whether the project includes an agency-defined phase III clinical trial.  See Application Guide for the specific definition.

03-00 – 03-19

Applicant Organization Contact

KC Maintenance Table



No end-user input required. This information is centrally maintained by the KC Administrator.

O - OSP administrator for lead unit

I- organization rolodex contact

A - administrative officer from lead unit

U - unit head of lead unit

D - dean/VP of lead unit

H - other individual to notify for lead unit

a number (unit administrator type) - from osp$unit_administrators - if there is more than one person, use the first

N (default) - Grants.Gov Proposal Contact

C-FEL - fellowship coordinator   If the proposal is a Fellowship (activity code = 3 or 7), the person to be contacted will be the Fellowship coordinator (unit_administrator type = 3) for the top unit. To get the ‘top unit’, start at the lead unit for the proposal, and travel up the hierarchy to find the first unit with an organization. If there is no fellowship coordinator for the top unit, then person to be contacted defaults to the OSP coordinator for the lead unit.

04-00- 04-06

Human Embryonic Stem Cells



ID 18

Are human embryonic stem cells used?  Can they be identified? If Yes: Enter the 4-digit codes, separated by commas, in the Explanation box.

Refer to the NIH Registry website maximum allowed length of each registration number is four digits (4). List no more than 20 registration numbers of the cell lines in the explanation for the question and separate each item by a comma. (ex. 0004,0005,0006)


Prior Form Versions:

PHS398 Cover Page Supplement (1-0, 1-1, 1-3)

Retired by Sponsor. Similar instructions to current if needed

1-3 Required YNQ 13: New Investigator: (NIH Beginning Investigator); removed on V 1-4.

1-0, 1-1 Published PI Degrees (3) on this form; degree data (1) is now required on RR Key Person (expanded) 1-2.