You are here:Appendix B: Form-Specific Instructions & Mapping Information

PHS 398 Modular Budget V1.1

Please follow Proposal User Guide instructions for detailed budget instructions. Cost Element mapping to Budget Categories in your local environment will impact where your expenses appear on these forms. Modular Budget Expenses are mapped to the KC Modular Budget screen of the Budget Version marked as Final.  Modular expenses can be manually entered, or synchronized from the detailed budget.

*Please be aware, if you have both a detailed budget and a modular budget completed in the Proposal Budget you must check the ‘Modular’ box on the Parameter tab of the Budget in order for the Modular totals to map appropriately to the SF424 face page, otherwise the detailed budget totals (which may differ) will map.

All budget periods will be populated based on the user maintained entries in the Modular Budget window, as follows:

Box A. Direct Costs

Direct Costs Less Consortium F&A:  the sync’d value from the Detailed budget is rounded up to the nearest $25,000.

Consortium F&A:  total of subcontract F&A expenses. This value does not get rounded to the nearest $25,000. (These expenses are really direct costs in the prime budget, but can be subtracted from the prime total when submitting Modular budget to NIH.)

The cost elements for subcontract F&A are defined in the KC parameters 'SUBCONTRACTOR_F_AND_A_GT_25K' and 'SUBCONTRACTOR_F_AND_A_LT_25K'.

Total Direct Costs: This is the sum of the Direct Costs Less Consortium F&A and Consortium F&A.

B. Indirect Costs

The indirect costs will be detailed by rate. If there are multiple applicable rates for the period, a detailed indirect cost line will be populated for each rate.

Cognizant Federal Agency: The information (agency name, POC name and phone number) is populated from the proposal's Organization record, using the rolodex entry for the maintained cognizant auditor.


Proposal Narratives:

The following Narrative types are mapped for the PHS398 Modular Budget form for use in supplying budget justification information, as required by the sponsor:

PHS_ModBud_PersonJustif (ID 35) for the personnel justification document

PHS_ModBud_Consort_Justif (ID 36) for the Consortium/Contractual budget justification

PHS_ModBud_NarrativeJustif (ID 37) for other budget information, as defined for use by NIH.