Please follow Proposal User Guide instructions for basic budgeting instructions. Cost Element mapping to Budget Categories in your local environment will impact where your expenses appear on these forms
Section A category |
Source |
Personnel |
osp$budget_category_map.category_type = ‘P’ |
Fringe Benefits |
sum of osp$budget_personnel_cal_amts.calculated_cost where (rate_class_type = ‘E’ and rate_type_code <> 3) OR (rate_class_type=’V’ and rate_type_code <>2 |
Travel |
73, 74 |
Equipment |
42 |
Supplies |
43 |
Contractual |
04 |
Construction |
N/A (we have no construction categories) |
Other |
sum of line item costs where category_type=’O’ and target_category_code is NOT in ('04','42', '43','73','74','75') PLUS sum of calculated cost for these line items (where rate_class_type is not ‘O’) MINUS fringe |
Total Direct Costs |
osp$budget_periods. total_direct_cost minus training costs |
Indirect Costs |
osp$budget_periods.total_indirect_cost |
Training Stipends |
75 |
Total costs |
osp$budget_periods. Total_cost |
Do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal government? (Y/N)
1_IDC Rate Agreement: Mapped from Proposal Organization record: Answer is ‘Yes’ if there is a date in osp$organization.indirect_cost_rate_agreement column.
2_Period covered by the IDC agreement
From date: This is the date for the organization indirect cost rate agreement field. To Date: Intentionally not populated
Approving Federal agency: The parameter ‘DHHS_AGREEMENT’ is checked to determine if the agreement is with DHHS or not. If it is, then the approving Fed agency is set to ‘Other’ and the agency is set to ‘DHHS’.
If the ‘DHHS_AGREEMENT’ parameter is missing, assume agreement is not with DHHS.
If the agreement is not with DHHS, the approving Fed agency is set to ‘Other’ and the agency comes from the organization of the rolodex entry for the cognizant auditor of the proposal’s organization.
(If there is no cognizant auditor rolodex entry, the agency is set to ‘Unknown’.
The approving Federal Agency is set to ‘ED’ only if the cognizant auditor’s agency is ‘ED’
3_Restricted Rate programs Intentionally not populated.
Budget Category amounts for each year are grouped by using the same grouping as Section A. The non-federal funds are the cost sharing amounts
Section C: Budget Narrative: There is no attachment for this form. Follow the opportunity instructions, as noted on the form.