Institutional Proposal


The Institutional Proposal document is the master record for a proposal.  Administrators enter and maintain proposal, sponsor, and award information in the Institutional Proposal document. 

KC automatically creates the Institutional Proposal document when you submit a Proposal Development document to the sponsor.  Administrators can also create an Institutional Proposal document by promoting a Proposal Log document. 

After a proposal is funded, an administrator links the Award document to the Institutional Proposal document(s).  KC populates the Award document with information from the linked Institutional Proposal(s).  Administrators may then modify the proposal information in the Award record.

In this topic:

Pages Overview



Document Header

Pages Overview

Figure 284 Institutional Proposal Document Layout Example


Table 153 Institutional Proposal Document – Page Descriptions

Page (linked to documentation topic)


Institutional Proposal

Key proposal information, automatically entered by KC from the Proposal Development document or the Proposal Log document


List of project personnel and administrator contact information

Custom Data

Customized sections and data elements specific to your institution

Special Review

Special reviews required for regulatory compliance


Project cost sharing and unrecovered F&A for each fiscal year

Institutional Proposal Actions

Institutional Proposal data validation, Proposal Notice Generation, Current and Pending Support report generation, email notification, and routing 


A hierarchical view of KC e-docs and a point-of-entry to those e-docs

Medusa shows the relationship between the Institutional Proposal and Awards, and allows the user to navigate between them.



Your KC user role determines your permissions to create, modify, view, or print an Institutional Proposal document.  Your institution may create its own user roles and authorizations or you may use the default KC roles and authorizations:

Table 154 Institutional Proposal Permissions

User Class



OSP Administrator


The OSP Administrator is responsible for high-level maintenance of the Institutional Proposal.

The OSP Administrator can view, create, edit, and version an Institutional Proposal document.

OSP Administrator – Contractor


The contracting officer is responsible for negotiating contract terms.

The contracting officer can view most portions of the Institutional Proposal.


Unit/Dept Administrator


The unit/college/departmental user can view an Institutional Proposal document for his or her department.

PI/Co-PI/Key Personnel


The PI, Co-PI, and key personnel can view an Institutional Proposal document for their proposals.

Compliance Administrators


Compliance administrators (for example, IRB, IACUC, or COI) may be able to view an Institutional Proposal document.


You can access the Institutional Proposal document one of these ways:

To create an Institutional Proposal document:

      Unit menu > Pre-Award menu group > Institutional Proposal

      Central Admin menu > Pre-Award menu group > Institutional Proposal

To open an existing Institutional Proposal document:

      Researcher menu > Proposals menu group > Search Institutional Proposals link

      Unit menu > Pre-Award menu group > Institutional Proposal Picture

      Central Admin menu > Pre-Award menu group > Institutional Proposal Picture

      Action List screen > Document Id column > Document Id link

      Doc Search screen > Search Results table > Document Id column > link

Document Header

The Document Header is common to all KC documents.  It displays information about the Institutional Proposal document:

Figure 285 Institutional Proposal Document Header

Table 155 Institutional Proposal Document Header Definitions



Doc Nbr

The unique identifier for the Institutional Proposal document


The user name of the person who created the Institutional Proposal document


The state of the document as it relates to the completion of the Institutional Proposal document

Automatically set to Initiated when an Institutional Proposal document is created

This is not related to submission status.


The time and date the Institutional Proposal document was created


Institutional Proposal


Custom Data

Special Review


Institutional Proposal Actions


Getting Institutional Proposal Budgets Into KC Awards