
The Contacts page of the Institutional Proposal document allows you to view and maintain unit, project role, contact and combined credit split information for  project personnel.  It also allows you to specify key administrative personnel who are responsible for the proposal or who will be responsible for an award, should funding be received, including Unit and OSP administrators associated with the proposal.

Figure 298 Institutional Proposal Document, Contacts Page Layout


Table 165 Institutional Proposal Document, Contacts Page – Section Descriptions and Subtopic Links

Section (linked to subtopic)


Project Personnel

Identify project personnel and associated unit, role, phone and email address for each; drill down to display additional person effort and unit details.

Unit Contacts

Identify unit contacts and associated unit, role, phone and email address for each.

Central Administration Contacts

Identify central admin contacts and associated unit, role, phone and email address for each.


Project Personnel

Unit Contacts

Central Administration Contacts