Project Personnel

The Project Personnel section of the Contacts page displays project personnel information from the associated Proposal Development or Proposal Log documents.  Basic information is displayed, with expandable detail subsections with inquiry icons that allow for the display of even more detail for certain fields.

Figure 299 Institutional Proposal Document, Contacts Page, Project Personnel Section Example


Table 166 Institutional Proposal Document, Contacts Page, Project Personnel Section Field Descriptions




The full name of the person is displayed.  Click the direct inquiry icon or to view the Person document details.


The name of the unit for this person is displayed.  Click the direct inquiry icon or to view the Unit document details.

Project Role

The project role is displayed (for example, Principal Investigator).

Office Phone

Display-only.  This is maintained in the corresponding Person document.


Display-only.  This is maintained in the corresponding Person document.


link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.

Person Details

Click the show button to expand the display of a subsection containing additional fields of detailed information about the person.

Unit Details

Click the show button to expand the display of a subsection containing additional fields of detailed information about the unit.





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