

The Namespace administration maintenance document is used to establish and maintain numeric codes and textual description values which are stored in database tables.  This data serves as reference information that is made available for display and selection in various areas of the system, including other e-docs.  Namespace codes are used to identify various pieces of functionality and generally correspond to large functional areas. The namespaces in the KC base data normally take the form of a Kuali application followed by one of that application's modules.  Typically, only System Administrators or Technical Administrator roles have the ability to initiate this document, and it does not route for approval.

Document Layout

Figure 1448 Namespace Administration Maintenance Document Example Layout

Edit Namespace Section

The Edit Namespace section of the Namespace administration maintenance document is a unique section that allows you to specify and maintain the details associated with the reference table record in fields.


Table 897 Namespace Administration Maintenance Document - Edit Namespace Section Field Descriptions



Namespace Code

Required.  Enter the namespace code for this namespace. The KC convention for most namespaces is application abbreviation and module abbreviation separated by a dash (for example, ‘KC-PD’ for Kuali Coeus Proposal Development).

Namespace Name

Required.  Type the full textual name of the namespace as it is commonly referred to (for example, Proposal Development).

Application Namespace Code

Optional. An additional namespace identifier which identifies which application should recognize this namespace code. This is generally only used in instances where the regular namespace code is not enough to make an attribute unique. This attribute is normally used directly on the Parameter document and not assigned specifically to a namespace on this table.

Active Indicator

Leave checked to indicate that this namespace is active and can be associated with permissions, responsibilities, roles and Kuali data elements organized by namespace. Uncheck the box to inactivate this namespace and make it an invalid choice.  Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.


Figure 1449 Namespace Administration Maintenance Document Example Values

Common Features

This maintenance document includes the following features that are common to most KC maintenance documents:

Table 898 Links to Common Maintenance Document Component Instructions

Common Maintenance E-Doc Component

Cross-Reference Links To Usage Instructions

Document Header

link.png  For more information, see “Header Area in E-Doc Fundamentals.

Document Overview Section

link.png  For more information, see “Document Overview” on page 93 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Notes and Attachments Section

link.png  For more information, see “Notes and Attachments” on page 94 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Ad Hoc Recipients Section

link.png  For more information, see “Ad Hoc Recipients” on page 96 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Route Log Section

link.png  For more information, see “Route Log” on page 97 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Action Buttons

link.png  For more information, see  “Action Buttons” on page 71 in Selection, Entry and Action Tools.



For information about searching for, initiating, editing, copying, submitting, saving, closing, canceling, and/or routing a maintenance document, see “Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations” in the Overview section.