Kuali Coeus enables users with proper permissions to perform a number of administrative functions that affect the entire system. These functions, which are accessible via the System Admin screen, allow authorized users to:
• Configure the system
• Schedule batch jobs
• Maintain system parameters
• Maintain identity, location and reference information
• Set up workflow
• Operate on documents
• Manage notifications
• Monitor system services and statistics
The KR-SYS Technical Administrator role has sufficient rights to perform the full complement of tasks available from this menu. |
About Kuali Rice
The System Admin menu displays groups of links to functions that are a part of Kuali Rice. Kuali Rice is an important part of KC. It provides an enterprise class middleware suite of integrated products, infrastructure, development framework, and services set that allows for business applications such as Kuali Financial System (KFS) and KC to function efficiently. Rice allows KC to have a customizable, configurable user interface with a clean, universal look and feel; and at the same time allows KC to have general notification features and a consolidated list of work “action items.” The services include identity and access management modules that allow for flexible integration with each unique implementing institution.
Administration Maintenance Documents: For the Rice components that are not visible to the standard end users, there is separate documentation for more technical audiences. However, the portions of Rice that are accessible via the user interface of KC are covered in this documentation. Most are located on the System Admin menu. One of the ways Kuali Rice is so configurable and customizable is that this type of work can be done via the user interface, taking advantage of “Administration Maintenance Documents” that serve as web “front ends” to the master database.
Modules that are a part of Kuali Rice include:
• Nervous System: The Kuali Nervous System (KNS) is a software development framework aimed at allowing developers to quickly build web-based business applications in an efficient and agile fashion.
• Service Bus: Kuali Service Bus (KSB) is a simple service bus geared towards easy service integration in an SOA architecture.
• Workflow: Kuali Enterprise Workflow provides a common routing and approval engine that facilitates the automation of electronic processes across the enterprise.
• Notification: Kuali Enterprise Notification (KEN) acts as a broker for all university business related communications by allowing end-users and other systems to push informative messages to the campus community in a secure and consistent manner.
• Identity Management: Kuali Identity Management (KIM) provides central identity and access management services. It also provides management features for Identity, Groups, Roles, Permissions, and their relationships with each other.
Table 881 System Admin Menu - Group Descriptions Menu
Group Description Maintain employee status & type, define &
schedule system messages, maintain additional person information
collection, configure general system options Schedule batch job runs, view job schedules, and manage
batch upload processes. Configure system parameters, components, types, &
namespaces; lookup & manage document editing locks, view configuration
key properties & values. Kuali Identity Management (KIM) interface for
creation/maintenance of identity, location & reference information
used throughout the system. Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) interface for
configuration of routing rules and document operations. Kuali Enterprise Notification (KEN) interface for
management of system & event notifications and content
types. Configure, view & edit the document route queue,
view services, view & print job messages, create private keystore
files and trusted certificates for secure
browsing. Subtopics: