

The Notification group on the System Admin menu contains three links that allow you to manage enterprise-wide KC notifications.  Simple notifications can be created and sent, as well as more detailed notifications of particular KC-related events from the KC user interface.  You are also able to manage the types of content that can be used in notification messages.

Kuali Enterprise Notification (KEN) screens display excellent on-screen instructions that assist you with each field.

Table 950 System Admin Menu – Notification Group Link Descriptions

Link (& cross-reference link to detailed documentation topic)

Short Description

Send Simple Notification

Takes you to a screen that allows you send brief messages, such as KC system-related announcements, to users or groups efficiently.

Send Event Notification

Takes you to a screen that allows you to send more detailed messages, such as invitations to KC-related events or meetings, to users or groups.

Manage Content Types





Send Simple Notification

Send Event Notification

Manage Content Types