
The Configuration group on the System Admin menu is used to configure the system by using administration maintenance documents and screens that are a part of the Kuali Nervous System (KNS), which is the core technical module of Kuali Rice.  By using document workflow as a core concept, business processes can be set up and maintained using document actions that are configurable via the functionality you can access from the links in this group.  Together, these control key aspects of how the KC system operates.



Table 891 System Admin Menu > Configuration Group – Link Descriptions(& cross-reference links to documentation topics)

Link Name (cross-referenced to detailed documentation topic)

Short Description


Defines business rules for document types or batch processes.

Parameter Component

Defines valid functionality pieces that can be associated with a parameter.

Parameter Type

Broadly defines what a parameter is used for (for example, authorization, document validation, help or system configuration.


Identifies large functional areas, typically a Kuali application followed by one of that application's modules.

Pessimistic Lock

View and remove current document locks where e-docs have been locked for editing.

Configuration Viewer

View Configured Properties for Kuali Coeus modules by Key and Value.

Rice Configuration Viewer

View Configured Properties for Kuali RICE modules by Key and Value.





Parameter Component

Parameter Type


Pessimistic Lock

Configuration Viewer

Rice Configuration Viewer