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Meeting Information


The Meeting Information page (Committee Name, Meeting Date) is a tabbed page of the Meeting document that contains the following five sections:  Meeting Details, Protocol Submitted, Other Actions, Attendance, and Minutes.  Each allows for the entry, selection, and/or viewing of information pertaining to a particular individual committee meeting event.



Figure 751 Meeting Document – Meeting Information <Committee Name, Meeting Date> Page Layout

Table 341 Meeting Document – Meeting Information Page Section Descriptions

Section (linked to topic)

Brief Description

Meeting Details

Basic identifying information about the meeting, including where and when it will be held.

Protocol Submitted

If one or more Protocol documents has been submitted for review in the meeting, general information about each document is displayed in a table format, with action buttons and links that allow for “drilldown” to more detail.

Other Actions

Other action items can be selected from a predefined list and added to the meeting document.


Attendance is recorded by selection of people and recording whether absent, present, and whether an alternate for employees or non-employees.


Comments by type can be added one at a time and made private or final.


Attachments can be added to a schedule



Meeting Details

Protocol Submitted

Other Actions


