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Protocol Actions


The Protocol Actions page of the Protocol document has six tabbed sections: Request an Action, Data Validation, Print, Summary & History, Copy to New Document, and Route Log.



Figure 668 Protocol Document – Protocol Actions Page Layout


Table 288 Protocol Document – Protocol Actions Page Section Descriptions

Page Section


Request an Action

Displays subsections of Available and Unavailable Actions based on the status of the protocol document.

Data Validation

Provides a button for turning on or off validation alerts for errors and warnings with ‘fix’ links that allow you to navigate to the portion of the document needing corrections.


Select from various options for printing all or portions of the Protocol document and its attachments.

Summary & History

View identifying information, submission details and history in expandable subsections containing drill-down tools for display of more detail.

Copy to New Document

Copy the currently-accessed Protocol document contents to a new Protocol document with a new Document ID and Protocol number. Information from the Protocol and Personnel tabs of the currently-accessed protocol document will be copied to the new protocol document.

Route Log

View actor, action and related date information pertaining to Actions Taken, Pending Action Requests, and Future Action Requests with the ability to drill down for display of more detail.


Request an Action

Data Validation


Summary & History

Copy to New Document

Route Log