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The Print section of the Protocol Actions page allows you to select from several printing options and click a button to execute a print command to your local printer. The user can select one, many or all protocol sections to print. Upon activating the print selected action, a PDF document will be generated for the user to print. The PDF document will contain the protocol sections selected by the user.


Only one radio button option may be selected for printing at a time.

Figure 727 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page – Print Section Example


Table 375 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page – Print Section Field Descriptions



Protocol Summary

Use the checkboxes to select key data elements (sections) of the Protocol document to be included in the printable PDF document that will be generated upon click of the print selected button. Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

  To print:

      Select the check box by clicking within the box to place a checkmark within it to indicate your selection of the desired section(s).

      Click the print selected  button.

Depending on your browser type and its settings, a dialog box may appear that prompts you to open or save the document.



Figure 713 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page – Print Section Summary Report PDF Example