

The Compliance group on the Maintenance menu houses links to maintenance documents that are used to create and maintain database table records that are used by the IRB functional module in the KC system.  The data values in these maintenance documents are made available for use in e-docs such as the Protocol document and the Committee document.  Within a standard e-doc, lookup and dropdown list fields exist in sections that allow for the searching for and selecting of data value options that are maintained using these maintenance documents to populate them when preparing and completing the e-doc.


Lookup/Create New Concept:  Typically, maintenance document links (bullet list of underlined text within labeled group boxes on the Maintenance menu) take you by default to Lookup screens that contain a create new  button at the top, right of the screen.  The lookup screen is used to optionally enter and/or select search criteria and then click a search  button to retrieve existing records in a search result table below the search criteria area of the screen.  The search result table contains an Action column at left that then allows you to take actions such as edit to access the existing maintenance document.  To create a new maintenance document, clicking the create new button allows you to initiate and display a new, blank maintenance document.








Affiliation Type

Batch Correspondence

Committee Membership Status

Committee Decision Motion Type

Committee Membership Type

Committee Type

Correspondence Generated

Correspondence Template

Correspondence Type

Correspondent Type

Document Types

Document Status

Exemption Type

Exempt Studies CheckList

Expedited Review CheckList

Funding Source Type

Membership Role

Minute Entry Type

Organization Correspondents

Participant Type

Protocol Action Notification Template

Protocol Action Type

Protocol Attachment Group

Protocol Attachment Status

Protocol Attachment Type

Protocol Attachment Type Group

Protocol Contingency

Protocol Correspondence Recipients

Protocol Follow-up Actions

Protocol Person Role

Protocol Organization Type

Protocol Review Type

Protocol Reviewer Type

Protocol Online Review Status Codes

Protocol Online Review Determination Recommendation Codes

Protocol Status

Protocol Type

Reference Type

Risk Level

Scheduled Other Action Type

Schedule Status

Submission Status

Submission Type

Submission Type Qualifier

Protocol Submission Qualifier Type

Unit Correspondents

Valid Protocol Submission Review Type

Valid Protocol Submission Type Qualifier

IACUC Alternate Search Database

IACUC Exception Category

IACUC Pain Category

IACUC Species Count Type

IACUC Species

IACUC Protocol Attachment Group

IACUC Protocol Attachment Status

IACUC Protocol Attachment Type

IACUC Protocol Attachment Type Group

IACUC Protocol Project Type

IACUC Protocol Reference Type

IACUC Protocol Review Type

IACUC Protocol Online Review Status Codes

IACUC Protocol Type

IACUC Protocol Submission Type

Protocol Submission Type Qualifier

IACUC Protocol Person Role

IACUC Procedure Category

IACUC Procedure

IACUC Location Type

IACUC Location Name

IACUC Procedure Category Custom Attribute

IACUC Research Areas

IACUC Protocol Review Determination Recommendation Codes