Protocol Follow-up Actions

The Protocol Follow-up Actions Lookup screen allows you to refine criteria to look for follow-up actions for Protocol documents.  It consists of a search criteria section and a search result table section.  A Protocol Follow-up Action is a combination of a Protocol Action Type and a Follow-up Action Type that are associated with each other (this combination being uniquely identified by a number).

Screen Layout


Figure 1345 Protocol Follow-up Actions Lookup Screen Example

Search Criteria Section

The Search Criteria section of the Protocol Follow-up Actions Lookup screen has four fields and standard search buttons that allow you to specify search criteria and then execute the search function to return results in a table format below this section.


Table 803 Protocol Follow-up Actions Lookup Screen > Search Section Field Descriptions



Valid Protocol Action Action Id

Enter the numeric value that uniquely represents the valid protocol action.

Protocol Action Type

Select the type of protocol action from the drop-down menu or use the lookup to search for, select and return it from the Protocol Action Type Lookup screen.  After making a selection, click the direct inquiry icon to view complete details if desired.

Action Number

Enter the numeric value that uniquely identifies the action, if known.

Follow-up Action Type

Select the type of follow-up action from the drop-down menu or use the lookup to search for, select and return it from the Protocol Follow-up Actions Lookup screen.  After making a selection, click the direct inquiry icon to view complete details if desired.

search clear cancel

Click the search button to execute the search based on criteria entered/selected in preceding fields and return results in a table below.

Search Results Section

Additonal fields appearing in the search result table are:

      Motion Type:  The description (common textual name of the type of motion) that is associated with the type number is displayed (for example, Approve).

      User Prompt FlagYes or No is displayed to indicate whether the user will receive a prompt.

      User Prompt:  The text of the user prompt message (for example, ‘Do you want to include this submission in an Agenda?’)



Figure 1346 Protocol Follow-up Action - Example