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The Post-Award group on the Unit menu provides convenient, efficient access to KC functions that are commonly used by Unit users.  It contains “create new” and “lookup existing” icon buttons that take you to new, blank e-docs or lookup screens that allow you to search for e-docs, respectively.

Figure 97 Unit Menu – Post-Award Group

The Post-Award group contains three functions, each with “create new” and “lookup existing” icon buttons.  Each is summarized in the table that follows, along with cross-references to more detailed instructions on how to use the screens they take you to.

Table 32 Unit Menu, Post-Award Group Function Descriptions

Function Name

Description (& link to detailed instructions)


Click the lookuplookup search.jpg icon to navigate to the Award Lookup screen, which allows you to refine criteria to narrow down and retrieve search results that are displayed in a table format.  The results table columns display key information about the Award document, some of which are underlined to indicate they function as links to view additional details.  The Actions column displays links that allow you to take various actions such as viewing the document.

link.png  For more detail on how to use common Lookup screen functionality, see “Lookup” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. in Selection, Entry & Action Tools.

link.png  For general step-by-step instructions on document search, see “Searching for a Document” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. in Common E-Doc Operations.


note.png  Central Admin users have the additional ability to create new Award documents from within this group.  See “Central Admin” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. for details.

Award Report Tracking

