

The Organization maintenance document is used to establish and maintain numeric codes and textual description values which are stored in database tables.  This data serves as reference information that is made available for display and selection in various areas of the system, including other e-docs.

This document contains more information than typical maintenance e-docs.  Instead of a single unique tab, it instead has five.  The lookup screen contains many more search criteria fields than most, and likewise, the result tables display more columns of data than most maintenance e-docs as well.  As a result, you must scroll horizontally in order to view all of the columns, and to get to the Actions column on the far right if you want to edit or copy an existing document.

Document Layout

Figure 1058 Organization Maintenance Document Sections Layout

The Organization maintenance document has five unique tabbed sections:  Edit Organization, Organization Type, Organization Audit, Organization Indirectcost, and Organization Ynq.  They allow you to specify and maintain the details associated with the reference table record in fields.

Edit Organization Section

Table 529 Organization Maintenance Document - Edit Organization Section Field Descriptions



  Organization Id          

Number that uniquely identifies an organization.


This is the physical location information for each performing site.  The information is maintained in the Rolodex.

  Agency Symbol         

A number used to symbolically represent an agency that is associated with the organization.

  Animal Welfare Assurance       

A value used to specify the assurance of animal welfare referenced by this organization.

  Cable Address           

The address of the associated cable location.

  CAGE Number           

A CAGE Code is a five (5) position code that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the Federal Government. The format of the code is the first and fifth position must be numeric. The second, third and fourth may be any mixture of alpha/numeric excluding I and O. All positions are non-significant.

  Cognizant Auditor      

The agency the school falls under (usually DHHS or ONR).

  Com Gov Entity Code            

Uniquely identifies the governmental entity associated with this organization.

  Congressional District            

The U.S. Congressional district number of the applicant organizational contact and the performing organizational contact. Each Congressional district is an area within a state from which a member of the U.S. House of Representatives is elected. There are 435 U.S. Congressional districts, each with a unique code.

  Contact Address Id   

Required.  Use the lookup to find and select by returning value for specification of a contract address identification value.


The county in which the organization is located.

  DODAC Number         

Department of Defense Ammunition Code  The DODAC is a nine-position, semi-significant number (e.g., 1325-f114) consisting of the four-position FSC number, a hyphen, and a four-position DODIC (Department of Defense Identification code). The last four characters may be one alpha followed by three numeric positions (e.g., d548), or two alphas followed by two numeric positions (e.g., pa38), or 3 alphas followed by 1 numeric position (e.g., pff1).  DLIS does not assign DODACs, containing "w", "x", "y", or "z" in the seventh position (the second position of the DODIC, e.g., jw40)

  DUNS Number           

A D&B® D-U-N-S® Number is a unique nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of over 100 million businesses worldwide.

  DUNS Plus Four Number            

D-U-N-S Plus Four - The D-U-N-S Plus Four may be necessary if the Jurisdiction has multiple D-U-N-S numbers.

  Federal Employer Id

Also known as the Tax ID number or Employer Identification ID (EID); assigned by the IRS.

  Human Sub Assurance            

Also known as the Federalwide Assurance.

  Incorporated Date

The date in mm/dd/yyyy format in which the organization first became incorporated.

Incorporated In

The United State in which the organization is incorporated.

Indirect Cost Rate Agreement

The approval date of the most recent Indirect Cost Rate Agreement.

IRS Tax Exemption

The value that uniquely identifies the tax exemption used by the organization for reporting to the Internal Revenue Service.

State Employee Claim

The value used for mass employee claims as it relates to insurance.

IRS Tax Exempt Num

The numeric value associated with tax exemption.

NSF Institutional Code

A numeric code that is used by the institution to indicate a field of research activity, as defined by the National Science Foundation.  For example, the NSF science code for Chemical Engineering is 012.  These codes are important when an institution compiles data for the NSF Annual Survey, and for other annual reporting exercises.  The NSF is a federal agency that sponsors fundamental research in science and engineering and also supports science education.

Number Of Employees

The numeric value specifying how many employees the organization has.

ONR Resident Rep

Text box field for entry and maintenance of the Onr Resident Rep record value.

Organization Name

Required.  The official, full, textual name of the organization as it is commonly known or referred to as.

PHS Account

This number (the Tax ID with a PHS-assigned prefix (“1”) and suffix) is used on proposals to PHS agencies, and is an identifier for Letter of Credit payments.

Science Misconduct Compl Date

The date of the most recent misconduct in science review.

Telex Number

The number used for Telex transmission or communication at the organization.

Vendor Code

The numeric value that uniquely represents this organization as a vendor.

Organization Type

The Organization Type tab allows for the addition of a new or maintenance of an existing code used in the system as an abbreviated form of the textual name of the type of organization.

Figure 1059 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Type Section Layout


Table 530 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Type Section Field Descriptions



Look Up / Add Multiple Organization Type Lines

Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return multiple Organization Type lines automatically, or if known, type the value in the box and add one at a time.

Organization Type Code

Required.  Enter the value that uniquely identifies this organization type in the system, or search for and select it using the lookup or direct inquiry tools as desire.  When selected, click the add button to add it as a line item.  Type the suspected value in the box and click the direct inquiry icon or click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically.

Click this button to add the type code to the organization type.

Organization Audit

The Organization Audit tab requires the entry of the applicable fiscal year and optional audit information associated with the organization.

Figure 1060 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Audit Section Layout


Table 531 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Audit Section Field Descriptions



Fiscal Year

Required.  Identifies the institutional fiscal year for which a rate is effective. mm/dd/yyyy format.

Audit Accepted

Check the checkbox to indicate the audit has been accepted, otherwise clear.  Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

Audit Comment

Type to enter textual commentary related to the organization audit.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.

Adds the data you entered in the fields on the Organization Audit tab as an individual record in the database table (displayed as a line item beneath the entry fields).

Organization Indirectcost

The Organization Indirect Cost tab contains fields that enable you to specify the indirect cost number that is to be associated with this organization.

Figure 1061 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Indirectcost Section Layout

Table 532 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Indirectcost Section Field Descriptions



Idc Number

Required.  An abbreviation for In direct cost? 

Applicable Indirectcost Rate

Enter the rate with decimal point as appropriate.

End Date

Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or select it using the date selector by clicking on the calendar icon .

Idc Comment

Text box for entry of comments related to the indirect cost for this organization.

Idc Rate Type Code

Enter the code if known for the type of Idc rate.

Requested Date

Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or select it using the date selector by clicking on the calendar icon .

Start Date

Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or select it using the date selector by clicking on the calendar icon .  In the KC budget module, this is the date for which a rate becomes effective.

Action button used to add the information entered on the tab fields to the reference table record.

Organization Ynq

The Organization Ynq tab facilitates the entry or modification of questions associated with the organization the answers to which are either yes or no.

Figure 1062 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Ynq Section Example


Table 533 Organization Maintenance Document - Organization Ynq Section Field Descriptions




The actual text of the question itself.

Question Id

The alphanumeric value used as an identifier of this particular question in the system.


Required.  Yes or No options from which to select (radio buttons).  Select the radio button by clicking within a circle to place a dot within it to indicate your selection of the desired option.


Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.

Review Date

Click the calendar icon to select, or type in mm/dd/yyyy format to populate the box with the desired date.


Figure 1063 Organization Maintenance Document Example Value

Common Features

This maintenance document includes the following features that are common to most KC maintenance documents:

Table 534 Links to Common Maintenance Document Component Instructions

Common Maintenance E-Doc Component

Cross-Reference Links To Usage Instructions

Document Header

link.png  For more information, see “Header Area in E-Doc Fundamentals.

Document Overview Section

link.png  For more information, see “Document Overview” on page 93 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Notes and Attachments Section

link.png  For more information, see “Notes and Attachments” on page 94 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Ad Hoc Recipients Section

link.png  For more information, see “Ad Hoc Recipients” on page 96 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Route Log Section

link.png  For more information, see “Route Log” on page 97 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Action Buttons

link.png  For more information, see  “Action Buttons” on page 71 in Selection, Entry and Action Tools.



For information about searching for, initiating, editing, copying, submitting, saving, closing, canceling, and/or routing a maintenance document, see “Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations” in the Overview section.