Area of Research


This subsection allows for the selection of the area(s) of research covering this protocol from a hierarchical list.  Multiple values may be selected and returned at once, each displayed as a numbered line item. The system only allows for active areas of research to be selected. The default Area of Research that is pre-populated for a protocol is ‘000001:All Research Areas’.

Figure 638 Protocol Document, Protocol Page, Additional Information Section, Area of Research Subsection Example


Table 274 Protocol Document, Protocol Page, Additional Information Section - Area of Research Subsection Column Descriptions



add / #

The add column simply displays sequentially numbered line item rows in descending top-to-bottom order.


Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value(s) to populate the line items automatically.  The Research Areas Lookup screen provides a standard search criteria section with action buttons.  Populate known criteria and click the search button to execute the search.  In the search result table, click to place a check mark in the Select? column checkbox to the left of the desired Research Area Code row (or use the select all button as desired), then click the return selected button.  The Code/Description field now displays your selection(s) as numbered line item row(s).

note.png  Defaults to ‘000001:All Research Areas’, which can be deleted.


Click the delete button to remove the numbered line item row you previously selected.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.