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The Organizations section of the Protocol Tab collects information about the performance sites/organizations associated with the research protocol. It allows you to select an Organization(s) and add as a numbered line item, displayed in a table within this section.

Figure 639 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Organizations Section Example


Table 275 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Organizations Section Column Descriptions



Add / #

This column displays sequentially numbered line item rows in descending top-to-bottom order.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Overview > Common E-Doc Operations.


Organization Id

Required. Click the lookup searchicon icon to search for and return the Organization(s) where the research will be conducted.


Organization Type

This column is read-only and populated automatically for each Organization selected.


Human Sub Assurance

This column is read-only and populated automatically for each Organization selected.


Within a numbered row, click delete organization to remove a selection. link.png

For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Overview > Common E-Doc Operations.