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Funding Sources


The Funding Sources section of the Protocol Tab gives you the ability to select a funding type and number, specify a source, and add it as a numbered line item. Multiple sources may be added one row at a time. This allows you to enter and maintain one or more records about the sources of funding for the research..The Protocol and the Award, Proposal Development, and Institutional Proposal information are linked in the KC system.


Figure 640 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Funding Sources Section Example


Table 276 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Funding Sources Section Field Descriptions



Add / #

Indicates the sequentially numbered line item rows in ascending, top-to-bottom order.

Funding Type

Required.  Select one of the following options: 

  • DO NOT USE – Award or Development Proposal


  • Institutional Proposal - Grant or Award negotiated by IU Grants & Contracts Office (federal pass-through, state, not-for-profit, or industry sponsor


  • Sponsor - Industry Sponsor (not negotiated by IU Grants & Contracts Office)


  • Unfunded - No funding


  • Unit - IU Department or Academic Unit (internally funded)


  • Other - Funding not included in above

Use the drop-down menu arrow to display the list, then select the appropriate option.

Funding Number

Required.  Uniquely identifies the funding source.


  • Institutional Proposal - use the lookupsearchicon icon to find the funding proposal in the KC Grants system


  • Sponsor - Use the lookupsearchicon icon to select the appropriate Sponsor name


  • Unit - Use the lookupsearchicon icon to select the appropriate Unit name


  • Unfunded - N/A


  • Other - Free text date the funding was received



  • Institutional Proposal - N/A


  • Sponsor - Will populate with Sponsor name once selected in the lookup


  • Unit - Will populate with Unit name once selected in the lookup


  • Unfunded - N/A


  • Other - Free text source of funding



When the Funding Type is Institutional Proposal, this automatically displays the title of the award/proposal and is read-only. For all other Funding Types, it will remain blank.


Click the  button to add your selection/entry as a numbered line item row in the table below. Once a Funding Source has been added as a line item, you can click delete or view as needed.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Procedures.



When a funding source creates a link across modules, the system automatically generates a notification to the appropriate workgroup.