
The Proposal page of the Proposal Development Document serves the purpose of recording the basics of a proposal.  It is designed to require a minimum amount of general information to constitute a “proposal-in-progress” worthy of saving to complete and submit at a later time.  This information includes describing the nature of the proposal; specifying the type of proposal; identifying the potential sponsor and the target start and end dates involved; and entering the relevant sponsor, program and organization contact information.  It is the first page displayed by default after clicking the Proposal Development option on the Pre-Award menu.  Populating, at a minimum, the required fields on this page allows you to save the document as a working draft and proceed to the other pages.


Figure 144Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page – Sections Layout


Table 53Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page – Section Descriptions

Section (linked to documentation topic)

Brief Description

Document Overview

Describe and explain the purpose of this particular Proposal Development document.

Required Fields for Saving Document

Enter and select critical information necessary to start and save a Proposal Development document draft.

Sponsor & Program Information

Enter and select key information pertaining to the sponsor and the sponsored program.


Select and enter the official institutional authorization address and sponsor-requested organizational data.

Delivery Info

Specification of delivery instructions for the sponsored projects office by the PI.


Select and display science discipline keywords applicable to the type of research.



Hide/Show Note:  By default, upon initial display, the Proposal page shows the Document Overview and Required Fields for Saving Document sections expanded, while the other sections are collapsed.


Document Overview

Required Fields for Saving Document

Sponsor & Program Information


Delivery Info
