Delivery Info


The Delivery Info Tab is where the PI enters delivery instructions to the OSP.

Figure 155 Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page, Delivery Info Section Example


Table 63 Proposal Development Document, Proposal Page, Delivery Info Section -  Field Descriptions



Mail By

The area responsible for submitting the proposal (e.g. sponsored program office, department, researcher, etc.).  This field determines whether the Sponsored Programs Office or the department will be mailing the proposal to the agency/sponsor.  Click the down arrow  to display the list and click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Mail Account ID

An institutions internal number assigned to identify the sender.  The internal school account number that should be charged the mailing costs.

Mailing Name & Address

The shipping information needed to submit hard copies of the proposal.  The name and address to whom the proposal will be mailed.


The mechanism used to submit the proposal (e.g. electronic, express mail, etc.).  The method by which the proposal will be delivered to the agency/sponsor.  Click the down arrow  to display the list and click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Number of Copies

The number of copies to be mailed to the sponsor, in addition to the original. The number of paper copies of the proposal that should be mailed to the agency/sponsor.

Mail Description

Any information that will assist in the delivery of the proposal.  Any information that will assist in the delivery of the proposal.