Funded Awards

The Funded Awards section of the Institutional Proposal Actions page allows you to view numeric values for the Award ID, Version, Proposal Version and Account ID associated with the Institutional Proposal document.


Figure 322 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Actions Page, Funded Awards Section Example


Table 184 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Actions Page, Funded Awards Section - Field Descriptions



Award ID

Display-only from the associated Award. 

Award Version

Display-only from the associated Award

Proposal Version

Display-only from the associated Award

Account ID

Display-only from the associated Award

Ad Hoc Recipients

The Ad Hoc Recipients sections is common to many e-docs.

Figure 323 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Actions Page, Ad Hoc Recipients Section Layout


For more information, see “Ad Hoc Recipients” on page 96 in Common E-Doc Sections.


The Print section of the Institutional Proposal Actions page allows you to print proposal notices and generate and print current and pending reports for specified investigator.

Figure 324 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Actions Page, Print Section - Example


Table 185 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Actions Page, Print Section - Field Descriptions



Print Notice


Click the print button to generate the PDF for the Proposal Notice.  This contains the current details of the Institutional Proposal document that can be saved and is suitable for printing to a local printer.

Print Reports


Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box to specify any investigator.

Initiate report

Click the initiate report button to retrieve results and generate a Current or Pending Support report for the investigator.


Click the print button to generate the PDF (which you can then save and print locally).

Route Log

The Route Log section is common to many KC e-docs.

Figure 325 Institutional Proposal Document, Institutional Proposal Actions Page, Route Log Section Example



For more information, see “Route Log” on page 97 in Common E-Doc Sections.