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Edit Proposal Log

The Edit Proposal Log section of the Proposal Log document is used for the collection, maintenance and viewing of information that is vital to the proposal.

Figure 340 Proposal Log Document, Edit Proposal Log Section - Example


Table 196 Proposal Log Document, Edit Proposal Log Section - Field Descriptions




Proposal Number

Read only.  The system-generated identifier for the proposal log.

Fiscal Month/Year

Read only.  The system-generated fiscal month and year the proposal log was created

Proposal Log Type

Required.  The type of the proposal log.


You can change the Proposal Log Type prior to submitting the Proposal Log.  After you submit the Proposal Log, you cannot change the Proposal Log Type.


Only users with specific permissions can create and modify Permanent, Temporary, and Disclosure log types.  Users cannot modify Merged log types.

Proposal Log Types:

Merged: Automatically set by KC when you merge one Proposal Log with another Proposal Log or with an Institutional Proposal.

Permanent (default):  Select when a proposal will not come from the Proposal Development and Budget module; this proposal log will eventually become an Institutional Proposal record.

Temporary – Select when your institution plans to create a proposal in the Proposal Development and Budget module.  You can create a temporary Proposal Log when negotiations on an award must begin before the proposal is routed through the Proposal Development and Budget module

Disclosure – Proposal Logs related to the Conflict of Interest functionality that will be available in a future release of KC

Click dropdown.gif to select the Proposal Log Type of Permanent or Temporary.



If you do not select a Proposal Log Type and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message:  Proposal Log Type (Proposal Log Type) is a required field.  Select a Proposal Log Type.  Save and submit the Proposal Log.

Proposal Log Status

Required.  The proposal log submission status.

Proposal Log Statuses:

Pending: When you create a proposal log, KC sets the Proposal Log Status to Pending.  KC lists the proposal log as pending until you use the Proposal Log to create an Institutional Proposal.  When someone creates the Institutional Proposal, KC changes the Proposal Log Status to Submitted.

Merged: Someone has combined this Proposal Log with another Proposal Log or Institutional Proposal.

Submitted: Someone has submitted a paper proposal to the sponsor and has merged this proposal log with an Institutional Proposal.

Void: This Proposal Log was created in error and will not be used.

Click dropdown.gif to select a Proposal Log Status.

Proposal Type

Required.  The type of proposal.

Proposal Types are:

New: This is a new proposal.

Continuation: This is a continuation of a previously approved proposal.

Renewal: This is a renewal of a previously approved proposal.

Resubmission: This is a resubmission of a previously submitted proposal.

Revision: This is a revision to a previous proposal.

Click dropdown.gif to select the Proposal Type.



If you do not select a Proposal Type and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message:

Proposal Type (Proposal Type) is a required field.

Select a Proposal Type.  Save and submit the Proposal Log.


Required.  Enter the project Title into the box.  The Title may be up to 200 characters long.



If you do not enter a Title and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error:  A Proposal Title is required.  Enter a Title.  Save and submit the Proposal Log.

Principal Investigator (Employee)

Conditionally required.  The name of the employee PI responsible for the proposal.



One and only one Principal Investigator is required for the proposal.  It may be either a Principal Investigator (Employee) or a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee).


You must enter a Principal Investigator (Employee) if the PI is an employee of your institution.

Enter the PI’s KcPerson Id into the box.  You can confirm the KcPerson Id you entered by clicking Picture.   If you do not know the KcPerson Id, click Picture to find and select one.



If you do not select a Principal Investigator (Employee) or a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee), and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message when you save the document:  A Principal Investigator is required.  Select either a Principal Investigator (Employee) or a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee).  Save and submit the Proposal Log.



If both a Principal Investigator (Employee) and a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee) are selected and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message:  Only one Principal Investigator can be chosen.  Clear either the Principal Investigator (Employee) or the Principal Investigator (Non-Employee).  Save and submit the Proposal Log.

Principal Investigator (Non-Employee)

Conditionally Required.  The name of the non-employee Principal Investigator responsible for the proposal.



You must enter one and only one Principal Investigator for each proposal.  This may be either a Principal Investigator (Employee) or a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee).


You must enter a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee) if the PI is not an employee of your institution.

Enter the PI’s Rolodex ID into the box.  You can confirm the Rolodex ID you entered by clicking Picture.  If you do not know the Rolodex ID, click Picture to find and select it.



If you do not select a Principal Investigator (Employee) or a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee), and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message:  A Principal Investigator is required.  Select either a Principal Investigator (Employee) or a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee).  Save and submit the Proposal Log.



If both a Principal Investigator (Employee) and a Principal Investigator (Non-Employee) are selected, and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message:  Only one Principal Investigator can be chosen. Clear either the Principal Investigator (Employee) or the Principal Investigator (Non-Employee).  Save and submit the Proposal Log.

Lead Unit

Required.  The unit responsible for the administration of the project.  KC automatically fills in the Lead Unit when you have a Principal Investigator (Employee).  Enter the Unit Number into the box.  You can confirm the Unit Number you entered by clicking Picture.   If you do not know the Unit Number, click Picture to find and select it.



If you do not complete the Lead Unit and you submit the Proposal Log, KC displays this error message:  A Lead Unit is required.  Enter the Lead Unit.  Save and submit the Proposal Log.


Optional.  The unique identifier of the sponsoring organization.  Enter the Sponsor Code into the box.  You can confirm the Sponsor Code you entered by clicking Picture. If you do not know the Sponsor Code, click Picture to find and select one.


Optional.  Internal notes about the proposal log.  Enter Comments into the box.

Deadline Date

Optional.  The sponsor’s deadline date for the proposal submission.  Enter the Deadline Date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Deadline Date using Picture.

Created By

Read Only.  The KcPerson Id of the user who created the Proposal Log.

Log Create Date

Read Only.  The date the Proposal Log was created.

Updated By

Read Only.  The KcPerson Id of the user who last modified the Proposal Log.

Last Update Date

Read Only.  The date the Proposal Log was last modified.

Common Features

This maintenance document includes the following features that are common to most KC maintenance documents:

Table 197 Links to Common Maintenance Document Component Instructions

Common Maintenance E-Doc Component

Cross-Reference Links To Usage Instructions

Document Header

link.png  For more information, see “Header Area” on page in E-Doc Fundamentals.

Document Overview Section

link.png  For more information, see “Document Overview” on page 93 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Notes and Attachments Section

link.png  For more information, see “Notes and Attachments” on page 94 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Ad Hoc Recipients Section

link.png  For more information, see “Ad Hoc Recipients” on page 96 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Route Log Section

link.png  For more information, see “Route Log” on page 97 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Action Buttons

link.png  For more information, see  “Action Buttons” on page 71 in Selection, Entry and Action Tools.



For general information about searching for, initiating, editing, copying, submitting, saving, closing, canceling, and/or routing a maintenance document, see “Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations” in the Overview section.

  Merging a new Proposal Log with an Existing Temporary Proposal Log

When you submit a permanent Proposal Log, KC checks for temporary Proposal Logs for the same PI.  KC asks if you want to merge the current Proposal Log with any of the temporary Proposal Logs that it finds.  You can choose whether to merge each individual temporary Proposal Log

If KC finds temporary Proposal Logs for the same PI, it displays this message listing the temporary Proposal Logs:



Figure 341 Temporary Proposal Logs Found for the Same Principal Investigator

1.  Click  if you want to merge any of the temporary Proposal Logs listed.  Click  if you want to continue the submission without merging any Proposal Logs.  

If you click , KC presents this message for each proposal log separately:


Figure 342 Merge Question for Each Proposal Log

2.  Click  to merge the named Proposal Log.  Click  to continue without merging this Proposal Log.


When you merge two proposal logs, KC changes the temporary Proposal Log Type to Merged.  KC does not change any of the other information in the temporary Proposal Log.

  Merging a Temporary Proposal Log with an Institutional Proposal

You merge a temporary Proposal Log with an Institutional Proposal when the contracting office must begin negotiations on an agreement/contract and no formal proposal exists. 

You merge the temporary Proposal Log with the Institutional Proposal when the actual proposal is routed to OSP, either on paper or through the KC Proposal and Budget Development module.  Merge these so the Institutional Proposal record can be used to initiate an Award.



The Proposal Log must have a Proposal Log Type of Temporary before you can merge it with an Institutional Proposal.


If you merge a Proposal Log with a Proposal Log Status that is not Temporary, KC displays this error message:   Log status should be “temporary” to merge it with an institutional proposal.


      Select the temporary Proposal Log that you need to merge using Proposal Log Picture:

KC displays the Proposal Log Lookup screen:

     Figure 343 Proposal Log Lookup Screen

      Enter the search criteria for the temporary Proposal Log that you want to merge.  Click Picture.

KC presents the Proposal Log search results list:


     Figure 344 Proposal Log Search Results List

      Click the merge link next to the Proposal Log that you need to merge:




          KC displays the Institutional Proposal Lookup screen:


     Figure 345 Proposal Lookup Screen

      Now find the Institutional Proposal that you want to merge: Enter the search criteria for it.  Click Picture

KC displays Institutional Proposals based on your search criteria:

     Figure 346 Institutional Proposal Search Results List

      Click select next to the Institutional Proposal you want to merge with the Temporary Proposal Log that you already selected.


KC merges the temporary Proposal Log with the Institutional Proposal.


KC changes the temporary Proposal Log Type to Merged.  KC does not change any of the other information in the temporary Proposal Log.


KC does not change any of the information in the Institutional Proposal.


KC locks the temporary Proposal Log Status so it cannot be changed.  You can edit a merged Proposal Log but you cannot change the Proposal Log Status.