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Conflict Of Interest

The Conflict Of Interest group on the Researcher menu displays two sections (subgroups) of links:

      My Financial Entities:

      My Disclosures:

Figure 91  Researcher Menu > Conflict Of Interest Group



Table 26  Researcher Menu > Conflict Of Interest Group – Link Descriptions



My Financial Entities

Financial Entity

Takes you to the Financial Entities screen, where you can create a new Financial Entity, or view your existing Financial Entities.

View/Edit Financial Entities


My Disclosures

Create Annual Disclosure

Takes you to a new, blank Disclosure document.

Create Manual Disclosure

To be used only for non-system generated project disclosures. e.g.,
Proposal or Award is not in the system.

New Award Disclosure

Takes you to the New Award For Disclosure screen, which displays a list of new awards that do not have Disclosure documents associated with them.

New Proposal Disclosure


New Protocol Disclosure


View/Edit Disclosure





Disclosure Cross-reference:  To navigate directly to the detailed documentation topic for Disclosure documents, see “Disclosure”.



Financial Entity Cross-reference:  To navigate directly to the detailed documentation topic for Financial Entities, see “Financial Entities” on page 428.