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Budget Actions


The Budget Actions page consists of the following two tabbed sections:

      Print Forms:  Enables selection and printing of forms including Budget Summary by Period, Cost Sharing Summary by Period, Cumulative Budget, and Industrial Budget by Period.

      Budget Justification:  Allows you to view who last updated this budget and when;  while also providing a box for you to enter text to explain the reason the budget is needed, and a button that lets you consolidate expense justifications.

Figure 279 Budget Document > Budget Actions Page – Sections Layout


Table 149 Budget Document > Budget Actions Page – Section Descriptions and Topic Links

Section (linked to documentation topic)

Brief Description

Print Forms

Select various budget reports and generate printable PDFs.

Budget Justification

Consolidate expense justifications, enter justification text.

Sub Award Budget

Organization selection, comment entry, attach subaward PDF, extract XML.


Print Forms

Budget Justification

Sub Award Budget