Activity Type


The Activity Type maintenance document is used to establish and maintain numeric codes and textual description values which are stored in database tables.  This data serves as reference information that is made available for display and selection in various areas of the system, including other e-docs.  The Activity Type Maintenance Document allows you to specify the list of activities from which to select to specify the type of activity proposed, (for example, organized research or instruction) in Proposal documents.  Activity type refers to the major functions of an institution based on OMB Circular A-21.  Per OMB Circular A-21, the major functions of a "university" are instruction, sponsored instruction and teaching, departmental research, organized research, sponsored research, university research, other sponsored activities, and other institutional activities.  Each account in an institution's financial system must be identified by its activity type. 


Caution About Modifying Existing Values:  Existing values are used in Proposal Development, Inst. Proposal, and Award, and have a hard coded relationship for S2S submission.

Document Layout

Figure 1012 Activity Type Maintenance Document Example

Edit Activity Types Section

The Edit Activity Types section of the Activity Type maintenance document is a unique section that allows you to specify and maintain the details associated with the reference table record in fields.

Table 481 Activity Type Maintenance Document - Edit Activity Types Section Field Descriptions



Activity Type

Required.  Enter a numeric value to uniquely represent the record.


Required.  Enter the textual name of the activity type as it is commonly known.  This represents the familiar name of the OMB Circular A-21 major “university” function (for example, Instruction or Research).  Each account in an institution's financial system must be identified by its activity type.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.

Higher education function code

Required.  Enter an acronym for the Description entry in uppercase letters, or “User must select” as necessary.


Figure 1013 Activity Type Maintenance Document Example Values

Common Features

This maintenance document includes the following features that are common to most KC maintenance documents:

Table 482 Links to Common Maintenance Document Component Instructions

Common Maintenance E-Doc Component

Cross-Reference Links To Usage Instructions

Document Header

link.png  For more information, see “Header Area in E-Doc Fundamentals.

Document Overview Section

link.png  For more information, see “Document Overview” on page 93 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Notes and Attachments Section

link.png  For more information, see “Notes and Attachments” on page 94 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Ad Hoc Recipients Section

link.png  For more information, see “Ad Hoc Recipients” on page 96 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Route Log Section

link.png  For more information, see “Route Log” on page 97 in Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Action Buttons

link.png  For more information, see  “Action Buttons” on page 71 in Selection, Entry and Action Tools.



For information about searching for, initiating, editing, copying, submitting, saving, closing, canceling, and/or routing a maintenance document, see “Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations” in the Overview section.