Withdraw Protocol

This action allows the protocol to be withdrawn by investigators or an IRB Administrator after it has been submitted to the HSO. The protocol can be modified and resubmitted at a later date.


Table 373 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Request an Action Section, Available Actions – Withdraw Protocol – Action Attributes

  Action attributes


Who can perform action

This action can be initiated by Principal Investigator, Co-PI Student/Fellow/Resident, Study Manager/Coordinator, Aggregator, or IRB Administrator

Protocol state prior to action

Prior to the action being performed, the protocol must be in the following state:
The protocol Status must be Submitted to IRB

The Submission Status must be Submitted to IRB or Pending

Protocol state after action

After the action is performed:
The protocol Status changes to Withdrawn
The Submission Status changes to Withdrawn





Figure 725 Protocol Document, Available Actions – Withdraw Protocol Subsection Layout


Table 374 Protocol Document, Available Actions – Withdraw Protocol Field Descriptions



Withdrawal Reason

Click within the text box to type or paste the appropriate information. Click the add note icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.

Click the submit button to generate the action request.