You are here:Protocol > Permissions



The Users section of the Permissions Tab gives you the ability to add users and assign them roles. It also allows you to edit or delete previously-added users/roles. Saving and reloading the page causes your changes to this section to update the display of the Assigned Roles section above.



The Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PIs are automatically granted roles to view, edit, and submit the protocol. Other personnel, i.e. Key and Non-Key Personnel, are automatically granted roles to view the protocol. These individuals, listed on the Personnel tab, will not appear on the Permissions tab.  If any key or non-key personnel need to be able to edit and/or submit for the protocol as well as view, they need to be specifically added as a User with the Study Manager/Correspondent role.



Persons with the PI, Co-PI, or aggregator role will receive all notifications generated from the KC IRB system. Others who need to receive notifications and/or edit the protocol should be added as a User with the Study Manager/Correspondent role.

Figure 659 Protocol Document, Permissions Page – Users Section Example


Table 284 Protocol Document, Permissions Page – Users Section Field Descriptions




Displays sequential line item number for each table row in ascending, top-to-bottom order.  Also serves as a line selection/addition row label.

User Name

Required. Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box

Full Name

Display-only.  Automatically populated from the Person table based on your selection in the User Name field.

Unit #

Display-only.  Automatically populated from the Person table based on your selection in the User Name field.

Unit Name

Display-only.  Automatically populated from the Person table based on your selection in the User Name field.


A role is a bundle of rights given to a user to assist with Protocol document preparation (click on view permissions under Assigned Roles above).


Click the  button to add the selected User. Click the button to remove a previously-added User. Click the button to change a previously-added role.


  To add a User:

1.  Enter the person’s user name, if known, in the User Name field, or click the search icon.

2.  On the Person Lookup page, enter search criteria and click the search button.

3.  Scroll to locate the desired person from the search result table and click the return value link in the Return Value column.

4.  The User Name, Full Name, Unit #, and Unit Name fields are automatically populated based on your selection.

5.  Select an option from the Role menu.

6. Click the add button.

7. Your selections are displayed as a numbered line item below the Add row.

8.  Click the save button at the bottom of the page.


  To edit a role:

1.  Click the edit role button in the Actions column for the appropriate user/role line.

2.  The Roles screen displays in a new browser window.

3.  Click the checkbox for the desired option to change the role.

4.  Click the save button to return to close the Roles window.

     Your change is shown in the Users section.



      Click the delete button in the Actions column for the appropriate user/role line.

After confirmation, the item is removed with existing lines renumbered accordingly, and  the Assigned Roles section is updated.