You are here:Budget > Non-Personnel



The Travel section is used to identify travel-related expenses for your proposal budget, specify details about them, and add them as numbered line items with expandable details for project stakeholder viewing.

Figure 262 Budget Document > Non-Personnel Page > Travel Section - Example


Table 132 Budget Document > Non-Personnel Page > Travel Section - Field Descriptions



Object Code Name

Select the desired Travel object code name from the list.  Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.  Type the suspected value in the box and click the direct inquiry icon or click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically.


Type to enter text that further explains the equipment.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.


Enter a numeric value to specify the number of pieces of this type of travel.

Total Base Cost

Enter a dollar amount with decimal point.


Click the add  button to add your selection to as a row in the table below, which will become a numbered line item.  Click the delete button to remove a previously-added line item row from the table.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.


Line Item Details subsection

Click show to expand the display of detail based on your added line.

Rate Classes subsection

Click show to expand the display of rate classes based on your added line.