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SubAward Actions

The Subaward Actions page of the Subaward document houses four tabbed sections:

Data Validation:  Initiate a check against rules of acceptable input for this Subaward document, view warning and error messages, click fix buttons to navigate to the location of each issue so that you can make corrections.


For more information, see “Data Validation” on page 102 in Overview > Common E-Doc Tabbed Sections.

Print:  Specify all or select portions of this Subaward document to be included in a printable report, and then generate the PDF which you can download/save and then print locally.


For more information, see Printing a Document in Overview > Common E-Doc Procedures.

Ad Hoc Recipients:  Add FYI, APPROVE, or ACKNOWLEDGE action requests for this Subaward document and specify the People or Groups who are to receive them.


For more information, see “Ad Hoc Recipients” on page 96 in Overview > Common E-Doc Sections.

Route Log:  View the basic identifying information about this Subaward document, the Actions Taken, Pending Action Requests, and Future Action Requests, along with the related person/group and time/date information.


For more information, see “Route Log” on page 97 in Overview > Common E-Doc Sections.