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Required Fields for Saving Document


A self-explanatory section, the seven fields collect a minimum amount of basic information to uniquely identify the new document.  Once filled out, you have the ability to click the global save button at the bottom, center of the screen.  A successful save provides you with the ability to sign out of KC and return at a later time to continue to populate other fields in the Protocol document.


For more information about initiating a document, see “Initiating a Document” on page 107 in Common E-Doc Operations.


For more information about saving a document, see “Saving a Document” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. in Common E-Doc Operations.


For more information about searching for a saved document, see “Searching for a Document” on page 114 in Common E-Doc Operations.


Figure 822 Protocol Document Protocol Page - Required Fields for Saving Document Section


Table 423 Protocol Document Protocol Page - Required Fields for Saving Document Section Descriptions



Protocol Type

Required.  Indicates the intended use of the protocol.  This may imply the level of review the protocol likely will require, however, the final determination is typically made by the IACUC prior to review.  Select one of the following options:  Breeding, Holding, Research, Research with Breeding, Teaching and Testing. Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

note.png  Your institution may have modified or added to these available values.  See the IACUC Protocol Type maintenance document for more information.


Required.  Click within the text box (or press the tab  key from a previous field) to relocate the cursor to the field, and then type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.  After saving, click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.

Principal Investigator

Required.  Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically with the Principal Investigator you want to designate (either Employee or Non-Employee).  The display of this selection becomes read-only after saving.

Lead Unit

Required.  By default, this is the primary home unit of the PI, as defined in the KC Person table.  It is automatically populated after selection of the Principal Investigator in the preceding field.  Type the suspected value in the box and click the direct inquiry icon or click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically.  This value becomes read-only after saving.

note.png  Additional units may be specified on the Personnel page.

Protocol project type

Optional. Provides further description of the project. Select one of the following options:  Agricultural, Behavioral, Biomedical, Field Studies and Other. Use the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Lay Statement 1

Required. This field provides a summary of the project in layman’s terms so that it can be understood by anyone. Click within the text box (or press the tab  key from a previous field) to relocate the cursor to the field, and then type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.  After saving, click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.

Lay Statement 2

Optional. This field provides the benefit of the project to humans, animals or to the advancement of society. Click within the text box (or press the tab  key from a previous field) to relocate the cursor to the field, and then type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document.  After saving, click the green arrow  symbol to view full text in a separate browser window.



The Description field in the Document Overview section is the one field outside this section that is also required to save a draft of a new Protocol document.