You are here:Award Budget


The Rates page of the Award Budget document is made up of seven tabbed sections and unique actions buttons at the bottom of the page.  These allow you to view, specify, modify, synchronize, and reset all rates associated with the award budget version.

Figure 934 Award Budget Document – Rates Page Sections Layout


Table 422 Award Budget Document, Rates Page – Section Descriptions and Subtopic Links

Section (linked to subtopic)

Brief Description

Public Service F&A

Identifies which Facilities and Administration indirect cost rates  will be applied to each version.

Fringe Benefits

Identifies which Fringe Benefits cost rates  will be applied to each award budget version.


Identifies which Inflation cost rates  will be applied to each award budget version.


Identifies which Vacation cost rates  will be applied to each award budget version.

Lab Allocation – Salaries

Identifies which Lab Allocation Salaries cost rates  will be applied to each award budget version.

Lab Allocation – Other

Identifies which Lab Allocation Other cost rates  will be applied to each award budget version.


Identifies which Other  cost rates  will be applied to each award budget version.


Figure 935 Award Budget Document – Rates Page Action Buttons


For general information about using standard action buttons in KC e-docs, see “Action Buttons” on page 71 in Selection, Entry & Action Tools.

Table 423 Award Budget Document > Rates Page - Unique Action Button Descriptions

Action Command Button

Brief Description

Populates data in the “institute rate” and “applicable rate” fields with the current rates from the Unit Hierarchy rate table within all the rates sections. (The sync all rates button should only appear at the bottom of the Rates tab.)

Resets all values within the “applicable rate” fields to match the rates listed within the “institute rate” fields (whether or not the institute rates are current) within all the rates sections. (The sync all rates button should only appear at the bottom of the Rates tab.)



Public Service F & A

Fringe Benefits



Lab Allocation – Salaries

Lab Allocation – Other
