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The Rates page is made up of the following two primary areas from top to bottom:

      Tabbed Sections:  Display rates associated with items in the various categories, which include Public Service F&A, Fringe Benefits, and Inflation.

      Action Buttons:  In addition to the standard e-doc buttons, you are also able to click unique buttons to command either the reset or synchronization of all rates.

Table 110 Rates Page - Unique Action Buttons



The system populates data in the “institute rate” and “applicable rate” fields with the current rates from the Unit Hierarchy rate table within all the rates sections. (The sync all rates button should only appear at the bottom of the Rates tab.)

The system resets all values within the “applicable rate” fields to match the rates listed within the “institute rate” fields (whether or not the institute rates are current) within all the rates sections. (The sync all rates button should only appear at the bottom of the Rates tab.)


Figure 238 Budget Document > Rates Page – Sections Layout


Table 111Budget Document > Rates Page - Section Descriptions and Subtopic Quicklinks

Section (linked to documentation topic)

Brief Description

Research F & A

Identifies which Facilities and Administration indirect cost rates  will be applied to each version.

Fringe Benefits

Identifies which Fringe Benefits cost rates  will be applied to each budget version.


Identifies which Inflation cost rates  will be applied to each budget version.


Identifies which Vacation cost rates  will be applied to each budget version.


Identifies which Other  cost rates  will be applied to each budget version.


Research F & A

Fringe Benefits



Lab Allocation - Salaries

Lab Allocation - Other
