Personnel Attachments


Figure 191 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Personnel Attachments Section - Example


Table 80 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Personnel Attachments Section - Field Descriptions



Posted Timestamp

The exact date/time that the attachment was uploaded to the system.

Uploaded By

The name of the individual who added the document.


Automatically populated with the names of the individuals listed on the Key Personnel page. Click the down arrow  to display the list and click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Attachment Type

Select from the list the type of personnel document to be attached and sent (transmitted) to the sponsor.


Enter a brief summary of the attachment you are uploading.

File Name

The file name and path appears within the box after you browse for and select the file to upload.

Click add to add your entry so that it appears as a numbered line item.  From the line item, use the view or delete action buttons as appropriate.


  To view/save an attachment:



Click view in the Actions column to the right of the numbered attachment line item.

A dialog box appears, prompting you to either open with the default application or save the file to your local disk:


Select either open or save as desired and click OK.

Depending on your browser type, browser settings, and default download manager application, this screen or behavior may differ.  In general, save will place the file in a default download location, such as My Documents or your operating system’s Desktop;  while opening will use whatever application program is set in your registry to open the file type, like Excel for a .xls file.

Figure 192 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Personnel Attachments Section – Excel Spreadsheet Open Example