Proposal Attachments


Figure 190 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Proposal Attachments Section - Example


Table 79 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Proposal Attachments Section - Field Descriptions



Attachment Type

Required. The type of proposal document to be attached and sent (transmitted) to the sponsor. The type of proposal document to be attached and sent (transmitted) to the sponsor.  Click the down arrow  to display the list and click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.


Required.  Select ‘Incomplete’ or ‘Complete’ from the list to specify the status of the document as assigned by the user.

Uploaded By

Display-only.  The name of the individual who added the attachment.

Posted Timestamp

The exact date/time the attachment was uploaded to the system.


Type in this free-form text box to add notations relating to a specific attachment.  Use the add note feature as necessary to expand the text area.

File Name

The name of the file that has been attached appears within the box after it has been browsed for and uploaded using the [Browse] button.

 Click the download or replace links that appear to the right of the name as needed.

Contact Name

The name of the individual to be contacted if subsequent viewers/approvers have questions regarding the document.

Email Address

  The e-mail address of the individual named in the Contact Name field.

Phone Number

The phone number of the individual named in the Contact Name field.


Type a brief summary of the attachment that is being uploaded. Use the add note feature as necessary to expand the text area.

Click add to add the attachment, or delete to remove it as desired.

Click to see or modify the rights users have for a particular proposal or internal attachment.  The window displays those individuals who have already been assigned [any] role within the Permissions page.  Special rights can be given or removed for documents within the proposal and internal attachments sections through this function.  Rights include read, modify, and none (which removes the ability to view/edit a particular document, regardless of the role assigned on the Permissions page).


Viewing Added Attachment Files

Use the following procedure when you want to view documents that have already been attached to the e-doc.

  To view attached files:


1.  Click the view button.

Depending on your browser’s settings, a dialog box opens prompting you to Open or Save.

2.  Save to your local drive, then double-click to open.  The associated document viewing application launches (for example, Microsoft Word, or Adobe Acrobat).

  View/Edit Rights

1.  Click the view/edit rights button.

A Rights section appears in a new browser window (pop-up screen).

View and/or edit the rights as desired, then click the close [X] icon to close the popup window and return.  Select the radio button by clicking within a circle to place a dot within it to indicate your selection of the desired option.