Manage Review Attachments


The Manage Review Attachment allows administrators a single point of access to all review attachments including their own attachments.  The attachments can be further modified, deleted or added through the Manage Review Attachments feature. The privacy setting of review attachments can also be changed through the “Protocol personnel can view” indicator.

Figure 700 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Request an Action Section, Available Actions – Manage Review Attachments Action Layout

Table 329 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Request an Action Section, Available Actions – Manage Review Attachments Field Descriptions



Manage Review Attachments


Click within the text box and type (or paste from virtual clipboard) to enter text in the box as necessary to provide the appropriate information.  Click the add note  icon to view/edit/paste text in a new browser window, then click the continue button to return to the text entry field in the document. 

File Name

Click the Browse button.  In the File Upload dialog box (Windows), use the Look in: dropdown menu to locate the file, click on the file to highlight and select it and then click the Open button.  The File Name field now displays the directory, folder path and filename you selected.

Protocol personnel can view

Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected. Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item. Protocol personnel will be allowed to view review attachments only if this field contains a check mark.

Last Updated By

The system auto populates this field with the user name and timestamp of the last update made to the review attachment. For newly added attachments, the system populates the user name and timestamp of the initial creation. This is a read only field.

Created By

The system auto populates this field with the user name and timestamp of the initial creation of the review attachment. This is a read only field.


Click the add  button to add your selection to as a row in the table below, which will become a numbered line item.  Click the delete button to remove a previously-added line item row from the table.  Click the  button to view a previously added attachment.

link.png  For more information about basic line item functionality, see “Common Line Item Operations” in Common E-Doc Operations.