Intellectual Property Review


The Intellectual Property Review document contains information about Intellectual Property (IP) reviews conducted at your institution.  IP reviews are required for proposals submitted to a commercial sponsor.  The Intellectual Property Review document facilitates the IP review process between the OSP and your institution’s Technology Transfer Office.


In this topic:



      Action Buttons


 >  >

Figure 328 Navigation Sequence To Intellectual Property Review Document

You can access the Intellectual Property Review document these ways:

      Institutional Proposal document > Intellectual Property Review section > editIPreview.gif

      > Document Lookup search results > Document/Notification Id column > document ID number link

Your KC user role determines your permissions to create, modify, or view an Intellectual Property Review document:


Table 187 Intellectual Property Review Permissions

User Class



OSP Administrator

Intellectual Property Maintainer

The OSP Administrator is responsible for maintenance of the Intellectual Property Review section information on submitted proposals.

The OSP Administrator can view and edit the Intellectual Property Review document.  The OSP Administrator may also grant access to others to the Intellectual Property Review document.

TTO Reviewer

Intellectual Property Maintainer

The TTO Reviewer is responsible for review and comments on Background Intellectual Property. 

The TTO Reviewer can create and submit review results, comments, and Intellectual Property activity to the OSP Administrator on the Intellectual Property Review document.

OSP Administrator – Contractor

Intellectual Property Maintainer

The OSP Administrator for post-award is responsible for reviewing the comments made during the Intellectual Property Review to ensure that the Intellectual Property terms are properly represented in the Award documentation.

The OSP Administrator may have the ability to modify the Intellectual Property Review section or the Intellectual Property Review document.

Unit/Dept Administrator


Unit, college, and departmental users can view an Intellectual Property Review document for their department.

PI/Co-PI/Key Personnel


The PI, Co-PI, and Key Personnel can view an Intellectual Property Review document for their proposals.

Compliance Administrators


Compliance Administrators (for example, IRB, IACUC, or COI) may be able to view an Intellectual Property Review document


Figure 329 Institutional Proposal Document - Location Of Edit IP Review Button


Figure 330 Intellectual Property Review Document Layout


Table 188 Intellectual Property Review Document - Section Descriptions and Subtopic Links

Section (linked to subtopic)

Brief Description

  Document Overview

Enter a textual description of the document (required), and optionally, a more detailed explanation of the document’s purpose, and when applicable, a non-KC institutional tracking number.

Review Data

Record key dates, reviewer information, and textual commentary.

Review Activities

Record review types and correspondence-related activity notes.

Notes and Attachments

Enter textual notes and attach documents to this e-doc.

Ad Hoc Recipients

Request review and approval actions from selected persons.

Route Log

View document status and workflow routing action information.

Action Buttons


For more information about action button usage, see “Action Buttons” on page 71 in Selection, Entry & Action Tools.



Document Overview

Review Data

Review Activities

Notes and Attachments

Ad Hoc Recipients

Route Log