Review Data

The Review Data section contains the IP review date, the reviewer’s information, and the review results.  On the left side of the section, KC displays the current information for this review.  On the right side of the section, KC displays boxes where you can enter new information for this review:

Figure 332 Intellectual Property Review Document, Review Data Section Layout


Table 190 Intellectual Property Review Document, Review Data Section - Field Descriptions



Original vs. New Copy

Read-only for existing values, editable fields to select/enter new replacement data.

Submitted for Review

Optional.  The date someone submitted the proposal for IP Review.  Enter the Submitted for Review date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Submitted for Review date by clicking Picture.

Date Finished Review

Optional.  The IP Review completion date.  Enter the Date Finished Review date in MM/DD/YYYY format or select the Date Finished Review date by clicking Picture.


Optional.  The KcPerson Id of the reviewer.  Enter the KcPerson Id into the box.  You can confirm the person you entered by clicking Picture.  If you do not know the KcPerson Id, click Picture to find and select it.

Review Requirement

Optional.  The type of IP review required.  Your institution defines its own Review Requirement types.  Click dropdown.gif to select a Review Requirement type.

Review Results

Optional.  The code for the Review Results:

A:  No inventions are disclosed to the Technology Transfer/Technology Licensing office

B1: Inventions are disclosed, but not related to this proposal

B2: STOP – there is disclosed IP which IS related but is NOT available for this project

B2-R: IP is disclosed, is related to this proposal, and is available

Click dropdown.gif to select a Review Results code of A, B1, B2, or B2-R.

General Comments

Comments from the administrator.  Enter General Comments into the box.

Reviewer Comments

Comments from the reviewer.  Enter Review Comments into the box.