
The History section records all actions taken on the protocol from creation to its current state in chronological order. In addition it keeps track of and displays correspondences and notifications generated for protocol personnel during each action taken on the protocol. If the user chooses to display information related to a protocol action within Summary, the system allows the user to select a radio button displayed beside each protocol action and load it into the summary view. The user is also allowed to filter what shows up on protocol History using a date range.


Figure 745 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section - History Subsection Example

      View Action by Date Range: The View Action by Date Range allows the user to control which protocol actions display within the History panel by data range. If no data range is entered, all protocol actions from creation of protocol to its current state will be displayed. To filter by data range, use the icon or directly enter a date in the Beginning On and Ending On date fields and click the  icon. To clear the dates within the Beginning On and Ending On date fields, use the  button.

                Figure 746 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section, History Subsection – Date range


      Action Details: Actions taken on the protocol are listed within the History section. For each action, a description of the action, the date the action was performed, the action date(date the action is effective) and any comments recorded when the action was performed is displayed.

Figure 747 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section, History Subsection – Action Details


The system allows correspondences to be generated for different protocol actions. Within the History section, it keeps track of and displays the correspondences for each protocol action. A description of the correspondence, the date it was created, its Final status and actions that can be performed on the correspondence are displayed within History.


Figure 748 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section, History Subsection – Correspondences

§ Final: The final flag for a correspondence indicates whether or not protocol personnel and IRB committee members can view the correspondence. Only the IRB Administrator can set the Final flag.  If a correspondence is set to Final, the system also displays the date time stamp of when it was set to Final. Correspondences which are not set to Final cannot be viewed by anyone except the IRB Administrators. If protocol personnel or IRB committee members view non-final correspondences they will be able to view details about the correspondence such as description, date created but not have the ability to view the correspondence.

§ Actions: For each correspondence listed within History, the system presents actions than can be performed based on the type of user accessing the protocol. Protocol personnel and IRB committee members will only have the ability to  the protocol if the correspondence has been marked with the Final flag of Yes. IRB Administrators are presented with View, Regenerate and Update options for each correspondence.

      View: Clicking the button presents the user a choice of opening or saving a pdf version of the correspondence.

      Regenerate: Clicking the button on a correspondence directs the IRB Administrator to the Correspondence panel.

Figure 749 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section, History Subsection – Correspondence upon regenerate –collapsed state

Upon clicking the button, the system provides the IRB Administrator the option to regenerate the correspondence.

      Update: Clicking the  button on a correspondence allows the IRB Administrator to check or uncheck the Final flag on the correspondence. A correspondence that has been set to Final can be set to non- Final and vice versa.

Figure 749 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section, History Subsection – Correspondence upon regenerate- expanded state


After setting the Final checkbox, the IRB Administrator must select the  button to commit the change or click on  to return back to the History section.


Notifications: The system tracks and displays all notifications triggered by the system for a particular protocol action. The date the notification was created, the recipients, the subject of the notification and the message body are displayed. If there are multiple notifications for a protocol action, all the notifications tied to the protocol action will be displayed. The system displays the total number of notifications generated for a protocol action, beside the Notification label

Figure 749 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section,

History   Subsection – Notifications



      Load selected node into Summary View: The system allows the user to customize the data displayed within protocol summary. Each protocol action displayed within History has a radio button  in front of it. Selecting the radio button  for a protocol action and clicking on  button displayed at the bottom of the History section will display the data associated with the protocol action within the Summary section of Summary and History.

              Figure 749 Protocol Document, Protocol Actions Page, Summary & History Section, History

              Subsection – Load into Summary View