Employment Status


The Employment Status link in the Reference section of the Identity group on the System Admin menu takes you to the Employee Status Lookup screen, which allows you to search for employee status codes and names that can be assigned to a faculty or staff type of affiliation on the Person document in KIM.

Figure 1499 Employee Status Lookup Screen – Search Criteria Section & Result Table Example Layout


Table 940 Employee Status Lookup Screen Field Descriptions



Employee Status Code

Display-only. A unique code to identify this employee status code. The base data values are:

A = Active

D = Deceased

L = On Non-Pay Leave

N = Status Not Yet Processed

P = Processing

R = Retired

T = Terminated

Employee Status Name

Display-only. A descriptive label for this employee status.

Display Sort Code

Display-only. A numeric value used to determine the order in which employee statuses are displayed in the dropdown list.

Active Indicator

Display-only. Indicates whether this employee status is active (in which case the system displays it in the Employee Status dropdown list on the Person document).



For more information about general lookup screen functionality, see “Lookup” in Selection, Entry & Action Tools.