The Affiliation Type administration maintenance lookup screen allows you to refine search criteria and search for affiliation type codes and names, which represent the different types of affiliations that can be associated with a Person record in KIM. These codes may be used for data sorting or retrieval purposes. Technical assistance is required to add new or edit existing affiliation types.
Figure 1494 Affiliation Type Lookup - Administration Maintenance Reference Screen - Search Result Table Values
Table 935 Affiliation Type Lookup – Administration Maintenance Lookup Screen Field Descriptions
Field |
Description |
Affiliation Type Code |
A unique code that identifies this type of affiliation, typically an abbreviated, uppercased version of the Name. |
Affiliation Type Name |
A descriptive name of the Affiliation Type as it is commonly referred to. |
Display Sort Code |
An alphabetical character used to determine the order in which the system displays affiliation types in the dropdown list. |
Active Indicator |
Indicates whether this type of affiliation is active (in which case the system displays it in the Affiliation Type dropdown list on the Person document). |
For more information about general lookup screen functionality, see “Lookup” in Selection, Entry & Action Tools. |