

The abstract, or project summary, is a concise, clear, and brief description of the project. It should outline the problem, the objectives, expected outcomes, including significance of the project to the field being studied. The abstract is usually written in less technical language than the proposal narrative.

Figure 194 Abstracts Section

Figure 195 Abstract Types List

Figure 196 Abstract Line Item

Table 82  Abstracts Tab Definition



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The exact date/time that the attachment was uploaded to the system.


The name of the individual who entered the Abstract Details.

exclaim  The Author is the person who did the data-entry, not necessarily the person who completed it, or authored it.

Abstract Type

The abstract, or project summary, is a concise, clear, and brief description of the project. It should outline the problem, the objectives, expected outcomes, including significance of the project to the field being studied. The abstract is usually written in less technical language than the proposal narrative.

Abstract Details

Describe and justify the individual abstract type.


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