

The Notes section displays notes entered by topic.

Figure 197 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Notes Section - Example


Table 83 Proposal Development Document > Abstracts and Attachments Page > Notes Section - Field Descriptions



Posted Timestamp

The exact date/time that the attachment was uploaded to the system.


The name of the individual who entered the Abstract Details.

exclaim  The Author is the person who did the data-entry, not necessarily the person who completed it, or authored it.

Note Topic

This field is a free-text field that allows you to type in a brief description of the note topic

Note Text

This field is a free-form text field in which the user are able to enter a notation.

Attached File

Click browse to locate, select and upload the file as an attachment or click [cancel].


Click add to add the file you selected as a line item, or delete after it has been added to remove it.