Unit Details

This section allows you to select a Unit Name from a lookup and enter a Unit Number and then add this information as a line item to the section table to specify the unit associated with the person who will be contributing to the proposed project.

Figure 180 Proposal Development Document > Key Personnel Page > Person Section > Unit Details Subsection Example

Table 74 Proposal Development Document > Key Personnel Page > Person Section > Unit Details Subsection - Field Descriptions




The line where you make entries and selections to specify and add the line item.

Unit Name

The unit the individual is assigned to (e.g. Department of Chemistry, Center for Bioenergy Research, etc.). The familiar, official name of the unit.

Unit Number

The institutionally assigned identifier used to identify the unit the individual is assigned to. A numeric value associated with the unit name to uniquely identify it.


 a line item as a numbered row in the table.

  remove an existing line item from the table.