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Unit Contacts

The Unit Contacts section of the Contacts page provides a means for you to look up and select an employee (which automatically populates the contact information fields), select a project role for the person, then add it as a numbered line item in the table below. 

Sync All:  You can then click the sync all  button to synchronize your additions to the default Lead Unit contact list, which will overwrite existing unit contacts.

Figure 816 Award Document, Contacts Page, Unit Contacts Section – Example


To add a unit contact:


Click the Person lookup icon to search for and return the desired employee name.  Click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value to populate the box automatically, or if known, type the value in the box.


Select the Project Role from the dropdown menu.  Use the drop-down  menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Figure 817 Award Document, Contacts Page, Unit Contacts Section – Project Role Examples


Click the add  button to add your selection as a numbered line item below.


End of activity.


   To synchronize all added contacts with default Lead Unit contacts:

      Click the sync all button to synchronize the Unit Contacts selected in this section to the default Lead Unit Contacts, then click the yes button to confirm.