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Use the Transaction section to add, move, or remove money in the award hierarchy .

Figure 913 Time & Money Doc, Transactions Section, Multi-Node Example


Table 411 Time And Money Document - Transactions Section Column Descriptions




Read Only.  The Transaction Type Code you identified in the Award Hierarchy section for the change you need to make now


Optional.  Your comments about this transaction.  Enter Comments into the box.

Source Award

Required.  The specific organization unit in the Award Hierarchy (node) or an external source, such as a sponsor or another hierarchy, that provides the funds for this transaction.  Clickdropdown.gif to select the Source Award.

Destination Award

Required.  The specific organization unit in the award hierarchy (node) or an external source to which you need to transfer these funds in this transaction.  Clickdropdown.gif to select the Destination Award.


Optional.  The amount committed to this project; the amounts obligated by the sponsor to date under this award .  This does not include cost share.  The Obligated Total must be equal to or less than the Anticipated Total.


If this is a single node award, enter the amount committed to the project in the Obligated field. 

If this is not a single node award, this is a read-only field and KC automatically totals the committed funds for all nodes and then displays that total here.

Enter the Obligated amount into the box.


Optional.  The amount of funding expected for the project; the anticipated sponsor funding for the entire project period: Current obligation plus anticipated incremental funding and future year funding, including possible option years.  This does not include cost share.


Enter the amount expected for the project in the Anticipated field, if it is a single node award hierarchy; otherwise this is a display-only field.

Enter the Anticipated amount into the box.


Click tinybutton-add1 to save this transaction.